HBTS profile O-Ring Energized Low Friction PTFE Rod Seal. This is used to absorb shock and fluctuating pressures under high loads, to isolate high temperature fluids, and to improve the durability of the packing. It has a small frictional resistance and is suitable for high speed, short stroke operation. The slit on the tapered surface can leak back pressure.
DSH Seals’ HBTS is a standard double acting seal. Suitable for reciprocating motion, allowing for larger extrusion gaps for a wide range of applications. Excellent dynamic and static sealing performance, able to work in dusty environment. Low friction, simple groove and strong adaptability to working conditions. Suitable for reciprocating hydraulic systems. Excellent performance under high, low pressure and high frequency conditions. Suitable for long and short strokes. Suitable for large rod diameters in fluids and high pressures, such as bulldozers, compressors, etc.